Exodus 33:17 And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do this thing also that you have spoken, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name." 18 And he said, "Show me your glory." 19 And he said, "I will make all my goodness pass before your face, and I will proclaim the LORD by name before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy." 20 And he said, "You cannot see my face, for no one can see me and live." 21 And the LORD said, "Here is a place by me; you will station yourself on a rock. 22 And when my glory passes by, then I will put you in a cleft in the rock and will cover you with my hand while I pass by. 23 Then I will take away my hand, and you will see my back, but my face must not be seen.
34:1 And the LORD said to Moses, "Cut out two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you smashed. 2 And be prepared in the morning, and go up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and station yourself for me there on the top of the mountain. 3 And no man is to come up with you, nor let any man be seen throughout the mountain, nor let the flocks or the herds graze before that mountain." 4 So Moses cut out two tablets of stone like the first; and early in the morning he went up to Mount Sinai, just as the LORD had commanded him; and he took in his hand two tablets of stone. 5 And the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there; and he made proclamation of the LORD by name. 6 And the LORD passed by before him and proclaimed: "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness. (NET)
Think: When God’s glory passed before Moses, what did Moses learn about God?
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