Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18th Worship Guide--Proclaiming Christ to All Peoples

“forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all nations.”
Luke 24:47

It is often been said that the only reason believers are left on earth is to spread the gospel. In a sense this is true. The church can worship and fellowship in heaven, better, in fact, than on earth. But the one thing the church cannot do in heaven is call upon people to turn to Christ. Even the purpose of Israel in the Old Testament was to proclaim the true God to her pagan neighbors (Exodus 19:6; Psalm 96:10-3). Tragically, Israel failed (Isaiah 42:18-19); but where Israel failed, Jesus Christ triumphed! He has called His church to share in the victory of proclaiming salvation in His name, calling upon all peoples, everywhere on earth, to come to Him.

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