Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday, August 14th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25

By David.
O LORD, I come before you in prayer.

2 My God, I trust in you.
Please do not let me be humiliated;
do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

3 Certainly none who rely on you will be humiliated.
Those who deal in treachery will be thwarted and humiliated.

4 Make me understand your ways, O LORD!
Teach me your paths!

5 Guide me into your truth and teach me.
For you are the God who delivers me;
on you I rely all day long.

6 Remember your compassionate and faithful deeds, O LORD,
for you have always acted in this manner.

7 Do not hold against me the sins of my youth or my rebellious acts!
Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your favor, O LORD!

8 The LORD is both kind and fair;
that is why he teaches sinners the right way to live.

9 May he show the humble what is right!
May he teach the humble his way!

10 The LORD always proves faithful and reliable
to those who follow the demands of his covenant.

11 For the sake of your reputation, O LORD,
forgive my sin, because it is great.

12 The LORD shows his faithful followers
the way they should live.

13 They experience his favor;
their descendants inherit the land.

14 The LORD's loyal followers receive his guidance,
and he reveals his covenantal demands to them.

15 I continually look to the LORD for help,
for he will free my feet from the enemy's net.

16 Turn toward me and have mercy on me,
for I am alone and oppressed!

17 Deliver me from my distress;
rescue me from my suffering!

18 See my pain and suffering!
Forgive all my sins!

19 Watch my enemies, for they outnumber me;
they hate me and want to harm me.

20 Protect me and deliver me!
Please do not let me be humiliated,
for I have taken shelter in you!

21 May integrity and godliness protect me,
for I rely on you!

22 O God, rescue Israel from all their distress!

Think: What is David’s responsibility in the midst of affliction? (see verse 21)

Pray: Ask that we might walk in God’s ways as we await His deliverance.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 13th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25: 16-22

Turn toward me and have mercy on me,
for I am alone and oppressed!

17 Deliver me from my distress;
rescue me from my suffering!

18 See my pain and suffering!
Forgive all my sins!

19 Watch my enemies, for they outnumber me;
they hate me and want to harm me.

20 Protect me and deliver me!
Please do not let me be humiliated,
for I have taken shelter in you!

21 May integrity and godliness protect me,
for I rely on you!

22 O God, rescue Israel from all their distress!

Think: How does David respond to his affliction?
Pray: Turn any troubles you are having over to God.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25: 12-15

The LORD shows his faithful followers
the way they should live.

13 They experience his favor;
their descendants inherit the land.

14 The LORD's loyal followers receive his guidance,
and he reveals his covenantal demands to them.

15 I continually look to the LORD for help,
for he will free my feet from the enemy's net.

Think: What benefits are promised to the one who fears God?
Pray: Thank God for His instruction and covenant blessings.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25: 4-11

Make me understand your ways, O LORD!
Teach me your paths!

5 Guide me into your truth and teach me.
For you are the God who delivers me;
on you I rely all day long.

6 Remember your compassionate and faithful deeds, O LORD,
for you have always acted in this manner.

7 Do not hold against me the sins of my youth or my rebellious acts!
Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your favor, O LORD!

8 The LORD is both kind and fair;
that is why he teaches sinners the right way to live.

9 May he show the humble what is right!
May he teach the humble his way!

10 The LORD always proves faithful and reliable
to those who follow the demands of his covenant.

11 For the sake of your reputation, O LORD,
forgive my sin, because it is great.

Think: What request does David make in regard to his sin? (see verses 6-7, 10-11)

Pray: Confess any sin in need of forgiveness.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25: 4-11

Make me understand your ways, O LORD!

Teach me your paths!

5 Guide me into your truth and teach me.

For you are the God who delivers me;

on you I rely all day long.

6 Remember your compassionate and faithful deeds, O LORD,

for you have always acted in this manner.

7 Do not hold against me the sins of my youth or my rebellious acts!

Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your favor, O LORD!

8 The LORD is both kind and fair;

that is why he teaches sinners the right way to live.

9 May he show the humble what is right!

May he teach the humble his way!

10 The LORD always proves faithful and reliable

to those who follow the demands of his covenant.

11 For the sake of your reputation, O LORD,

forgive my sin, because it is great.

Think: What guidance does David seek from God? (see verses 4-5, 8-9)

Pray: Ask God to lead you in the truth of His ways.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 9th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Read: Psalm 25: 1-3
By David. O LORD, I come before you in prayer. 2 My God, I trust in you. Please do not let me be humiliated; do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me! 3 Certainly none who rely on you will be humiliated. Those who deal in treachery will be thwarted and humiliated. (NET)
Think: What confidence does David express to God?

Pray: Praise God because we can confidently turn to Him when in need.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, August 8th Worship Guide--Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance

Thanks for worshipping with us today. Our worship theme for next week is Psalm 25: God's Pardon and Guidance.

“Make me know Thy ways, O Lord;
Teach me Thy paths.
Lead me in Thy truth and teach me,
For Thou art the God of my salvation.”

“David confidently turned to the Lord for divine instruction and forgiveness from his iniquity. This psalm is a meditation on the character of God that prompts the humble to respond with confession and prayer…It strongly links the prayer for deliverance and guidance to confession of sin. The way of the Lord requires this.” (Allen Ross)